Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Centenary Post

Ahh!! Finally, it is the 100th! Awesome feeling! I can't believe it myself. I am not known to hang in there to anything for so long. And when I started writing, I never knew there would be a day in my life, when I'll write the centenary post of my blog. But somehow, here I am, after more than 13 months from the day I first wrote on the blog, still pretty active in the bloggers' world.

Frankly speaking, I started blogging to get rid of the LAN gaming addiction. Counter Strike was killing me. All I thought was about the CS maps, guns, strategies etc. and was drifting away from the real world. Then one day, I gave it a long thought and decided that it was enough. I quit CS. But then what to do next? How to kill spare time? Reading and writing was my childhood hobby but it got neglected after school days. Then came a wild idea! Why not create a blog and start writing in such a way, that the whole world can read it? And that’s how my blog was born.

The feeling you get when you see your name flashing in the Google results with some meaningful information attached to it is awesome. I realized this when I first saw it for myself. Another great feeling is when some stranger, after arriving at your blog and reading it, leaves a word of appreciation as a comment. It seems that a bond has been created between me and that stranger through that comment. And now, I have one more person in the world, who cares for what I write. I feel as if now I have transformed from 'a nobody' to 'a somebody'.

I know its been a long and boring post with relatively no useful information what so ever, but I cannot wind it up without giving a vote of thanks to a few people, who read whatever I wrote, and occasionally advised me how to improve myself. Their each criticism brought a new zeal in me, to deliver better than the previous effort. Their every appreciation worked as an inspiration for me. Thank You Vaibhav Jain Sir, Aishwarya Gupta, Sudhir Kumar, Divyanshu Tripathi, Pallavi Singh, Taniya Garg, Anand Advani, Utkarsh Mishra, Piyush Yadav & Mudit Singh. I hope my tryst with pen lasts for some more wonderful moments and you are all there to share them with me. Thank You!!

1 comment:

Aditya Kumar Nayak said...

Congrats! Hope you keep up the great work you have been doing. :) and yeah, good luck